Homeschool Through High School Pin - 1

As the beginning of our 7th year of homeschool draws closer – I am starting to hear these questions more and more: “Are you going to keep homeschooling through high school?” “Well, high school’s coming up. What are you going to do about that?” “Do you really think you can teach high school?” What I…

Learning Gaps Homeschool Pin

I was recently visiting with a close mom friend who has been homeschooling for 4 years. She is tempted to walk away from her box curriculum because it’s exhausting and overwhelming her…but she is so scared to do it. “But what about learning gaps, Lauren? If I piece a curriculum together, how do I know…

Why Homeschool in 2022 Pin

I know you are expecting me to say that the biggest reason to homeschool in 2022 is something like… Transgender politics The Critical Race Theory debate Sex Education for kindergarteners Whitewashed history Common Core Math Out of control bullying The lack of prayer or God in schools Or some other lightning rod topic that many…

The family is coming to visit and you know they are going to start asking rude, uncomfortable questions about your homeschool. Here are some quick responses to the most common rude questions that will help you come out on top, maintain relationships, and your religion!

So your relatives are coming to visit.  You’re excited for the holidays, but slightly less excited for your judgy family members to put your homeschool on trial…again. You never know how to handle it because you don’t want to come across as defensive…or as a doormat.  Up front, I have a very supportive family who…