
The Best Subscription Box for Homeschoolers: Kiwi Crate

Are looking for something awesome to keep your homeschooler learning this summer?

Bonus points if it doesn’t require a screen??

And hopefully requires a 1000% less effort on your part?

How about something to help you “up your game” when it comes to art and STEM?

But doesn’t require you buy lots of random supplies you’ve never heard of?

I have been a Kiwi Crate customer for the last 6 years and I can’t wait to tell you how this subscription box can take your homeschool year – and your summer! – to the next level.

Below is a full Kiwi Crate review that will answer any and all questions – including pictures, videos, and what my kids have to say about Kiwi Crates!

****Don’t miss the promo code at the bottom of this post!

What’s a Kiwi Crate?

Kiwi Box

Kiwi Crate is a monthly subscription box for ages 0-16+.

The boxes focus on everything from educational play, amazing art creations, unreal STEM activities, and crazy engineering projects.

They have even added a new box option called, Atlas, with a geography focus.

Here is a breakdown of the ages and what Kiwi Crate offers:

  • Panda Crate: Ages 0 – 24 months – Everything exploring and discovering
  • Koala Crate: Ages 2 -4 – Play and Learning Activation
  • Kiwi Crate: Ages  5 – 8 – Science, Art, and more
  • Atlas Crate: Ages 6-11 – Geograpy and Culture
  • Doodle Crate: Ages 9- 16+ – Art & Design Techniques
  • Tinker Crate: Ages 9 – 16+ – Science & Engineering
  • Eureka Crate: Ages 14 – 104 – Engineering & Design

What Comes in a Kiwi Crate?

Everything you need!

Seriously, the only thing we have every had to provide while doing a Kiwi Crate project is a trash bag to lay down if there is going to be any art mess.

I love, love, love that I can do these awesome projects with my kids and I don’t need to go to a single store to find all the things.

Even if you have to color something – they provide the crayons or markers.

Are the projects super complicated?

My kids are not at the age yet for the higher level engineering boxes, but I can speak to the younger levels.

The Kiwi boxes have always come with an easy to read instruction booklet with pictures.

Just last night, my 5 year old opened her box and was already doing a project without us because she was following along with the pictures.

My 8 year old now enjoys reading her project booklet and doing just about everything herself.

Here is a printing press she assembled and started using all by herself:

Homeschool review Kiwi Box and doing STEM project

Well, is a Kiwi Crate pretty expensive then?

Kiwi Crates are currently $19.95 per month – no matter which box you choose.

For what you get in the box – I have no idea how they make money.

They don’t even charge for shipping.

If the price bothers you, I think of it as less than it would cost me to take my family to McDonalds for lunch.

For what you’re getting – that’s a pretty great deal.

***See promo code below for discount!

Will I be locked into a contract with Kiwi Crate?


The website says you can cancel anytime – no commitment.

What if I decide to switch crates?

No problem!

If your kid suddenly decides the Atlas Crate isn’t a good fit, or the Eureka Crate is a little too complicated, or the Kiwi Crate is too easy – you can switch at any time.

8 Reasons I Love Kiwi Crate as a Homeschool Mom

You would think, I’ve listed all there is to love about Kiwi Crate, but wait -there’s more!

1. My kids flip out over getting mail every month.

Homeschooler super excited to get her Kiwi box in the mail

It is so fun to see their eyes light up every month when they see the box on our doorstep!

2. My kids are crazy about doing them

Unlike some other homeschooling activities we’ve done, I don’t have have to talk up Kiwi Crates.

My kids love them!

In fact, I usually try to hide the box when it arrives. If not, my kids will want to tear it open and do all the projects right away!

3. Art and Crafts – Check!

Kiwi Box Review - Homeschooler showing her art project for Kiwi Box

I’m not strong in the way of arts and crafts and these boxes help to relieve a lot of the guilt I feel about that.

They always blow my mediocre craft efforts out of the water!

One less thing for this homeschool mom to worry about!

In the above picture, you’ll see my 5 year old proudly holding up her rainbow art – a real pillow and stained “glass” art!

4. These projects are made to last

As I said, I am not gifted with crafting. A lot of the projects I have made with my kids usually end up in a trash can.

These Kiwi crates provide such high quality art and fun, that my kids often want to keep everything.

Below you’ll see my 5 year old got a box that had a focus on cityscapes. She made some impressive art – she wants to hang it in her room!

She made a canvas bag using city stencils that she is now carrying around everywhere with her treasures inside.

And she assembled a little city herself. She can take apart and reassemble her city many different ways. Good quality!

Homeschooler showing her art project from Kiwi Box

My oldest daughter especially, makes such cool projects that we are running out of room to keep them all! She gets upset about throwing any of them away, so we are trying to come up with a storage solution.

5. STEM – Check!

Kiwi Box Review for STEM

As you probably know, STEM is a HUGE trend in education right now.

As homeschoolers, it can be a bit intimidating to consistently come up with projects (and the supplies) to teach our kids in this area.

Kiwi Crate makes it almost too easy now for me to teach STEM to my 3rd grader.

In the above picture my kid is freaking out over the real windmill she just put together for her mini putt putt golf course. It came with a putter powered by rubber bands, an alligator’s mouth, a pop up flag, and the super cool windmill.

In 100 years I would never have been able to put together a project like this for her –  and definitely not one every month.

Here is a video of her finally shooting through the alligator’s mouth – it’s harder than it looks!

6. My kids are so proud of themselves

As I said, the instructions are simple to understand and follow – and they produce amazing results.

I love to see my kids light up when they realize what an amazing thing they just made!

Here is my 3 year old after just making a xylophone and now stamping out a song to play on it – she is so proud!

Kiwi Box Review - Preschool Homeschooler learning about music with Kiwi Box

7. They are really fun!

Whoever the creators are at Kiwi crate – they know how to have fun!

I continue to be amazed that after 6 years of getting their boxes, they are still pumping out such creative, engaging projects.

Here is my 3 year old who just did a bug themed box. She made a bug costume and is playing a bug matching game – with delight!

Kiwi Box game and preschooler

My middle child got a box with a medieval theme. She put together a cardboard castle, a “fire breathing” dragon wagon, and a catapult. You can also see the little cardboard characters that the catapult is supposed to knock down – so fun!

Homeschool kindergartener playing with castle items in Kiwi Box - Kiwi Box Review

Lastly, here is my oldest daughter. She received a box with a gravity theme. She built a car completely powered by gravity – watch this awesome video:

Besides the science and engineering of putting together the car and understanding what makes it go, she also did some drip art to demonstrate gravity:

Homeschool Kid doing Art project with Kiwi Box - Kiwi Box Review

***Messy art tip: We have a couple of my husband’s short sleeve button down shirts that we made into smocks. Put the shirt backwards on your child and button the top bottom – ta da!

8. My kids are really learning.

The above pictures are a lot of fun, but I don’t miss the areas where they are learning.

The are all learning the value of reading and following specific directions in order to make something great! That’s a big deal for my younger kids!

They are learning art techniques I would never think to teach.

They are being exposed to areas of STEM that make my kid excited about learning, building things, and how things work.

What more could a homeschool mom want?!

What Do My Kids think about Kiwi Crate?

I know why I love Kiwi Crate, but I find that moms are most interested to hear what kids think about Kiwi Crate – is it really that great?

Well below is an honest, untouched response that I got from each of my kids when I asked what they thought about their Kiwi Crates:

Oldest: I love everything about it. It’s so fun and I love that I get to build stuff and make inventions and do engineering things.

Middle: I love that I get to make stuff and be creative. And build things!

Youngest: I like to get stuff in the mail! And I get to make something by myself!

Recap Kiwi Crate Review + Promo Code

Looking for something to keep the kids learning and busy all summer long...that's also screen free...and doesn't require much effort from you? Check out this honest, full review of Kiwi Crate! I have been using them for 6 years and love how they teach STEM, art, and science in a fun hands on way! Our Kiwi Box is the highlight of our month! Click to read the post and get a promo code!

If you are thinking about getting a Kiwi Crate, I hope this answered any and all questions you may have from a mom who has opened quite a few of them!

If you are still teetering on the edge of deciding, I have great news!

When you use Promo Code –Share30 – you can get your first Kiwi Crate for 30% off!

Click here –Kiwi Website – to head over and pick your homeschool up a box of awesome!

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